Homeowners Insurance & Trampolines: What to Know
Trampolines can be lots of fun. Trampolines can provide a great form of exercise. Trampolines can also pose a significant level of risk in terms of overall safety and liability. If you happen to be a homeowner with a trampoline in your property, or if you’re considering purchasing one to add to your yard, it’s very important to understand how owning one may affect your homeowners insurance. In this post, we’ll be discussing the intricacies of homeowners insurance in relation to trampolines, discussing everything you need to know regarding insurance coverage, associated exclusions, and the necessary precautions one must take when choosing to purchase a trampoline for their home. Please feel free to contact us should you have any immediate questions.
Understanding Insurance Concerns with Trampolines
Trampolines are often classified by insurance companies as “attractive nuisances”. What does this mean? It means trampolines are objects which could potentially attract and harm children, which in turn increases the homeowner’s liability risks. Due to this higher than normal level of risk trampolines pose, some insurers may not even cover trampoline-related injuries. The insurers may even require additional safety measures prior to approval of the updated policy, or even outright refuse coverage if you choose to purchase the trampoline for your home.
How Trampolines Affect Your Homeowners Insurance
Liability Coverage: Liability coverage is a crucial part of your homeowners insurance. If someone is injured while using your trampoline, you’ll want to have the right level of liability coverage in place. With this being said, trampolines increase the risk of injuries. Some insurers may exclude trampoline-related injuries from liability coverage or require a higher premium payment to offset risk.
Possible Exclusions: Many insurance companies will have exclusions for their customers who have trampolines within their property. Some insurers will choose not to insure your home whatsoever if you have a trampoline readily accessible on your property. Other insurers may offer coverage, but with stipulations detailing how the trampoline should be assembled (safety nets, pads, fencing, etc…).
Increased Premiums: Owning a trampoline can often lead to increased insurance premiums due to the increased risk of injuries and potential liability claims.
Owning a trampoline will likely increase your overall cost of insurance premiums due to the increased level of risk the insurer is assuming by offering your coverage, especially with the increased possibility of injuries and potential liability claims.
Tips for Managing Trampoline Risks with Insurance
Check with Your Insurer: Prior to purchasing a trampoline, you’ll want to discuss this purchase with your insurance provider to see how it could affect the price of your homeowners insurance premiums, or if it could cause your homeowners insurance to be cancelled. Additionally, you’ll likely need additional coverage or specialized endorsements, so it’s a good idea to discuss these elements of your policy as soon as possible to avoid any issues in the future.
Implement Safety Measures: If your insurer does choose to provide you with coverage for your trampoline on your property, you’ll want to consider the fact they’ll likely require you to install certain safety features in and around your trampoline. These safety features could be everything from safety nets and pads, to placing the trampoline a safe distance away from other structures, and also maintaining a secure enclosure to prevent unauthorized access.
Supervised Use: You’ll always want to ensure whenever someone is using your trampoline, they’re being readily supervised to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring. This supervision policy can also help demonstrate to your insurance company you’re taking the right steps to properly mitigate risks.
Understand the Policy Conditions: Having clear communication and understanding over what is covered and what is not covered is very important when it comes to your policy. Knowing the ins and outs of your homeowners insurance policy can help you avoid surprises and problems in case of an accident related to your home’s trampoline.
Considerations Before Buying a Trampoline
If you’re thinking about adding a trampoline to your yard, here are a few additional considerations:
- Local Ordinances: Some towns and communities may have specific rules or ordinances x residents must adhere to regarding trampolines and placement of said trampolines. Ensure you’re compliant with your local rulings to avoid any issues with your trampoline.
- Alternatives: If the insurance implications are too complex or expensive, you’ll want to consider other safer recreational alternatives which may not affect your premiums or coverage.
Contact Portsmouth Atlantic Insurance Today
Trampolines are certainly a fun way to spend some time, yet they do come with additional levels of risk and responsibility. Now that you have a better understanding of the possible impacts on your homeowners insurance when you purchase a trampoline for your home, you can make better decisions when it comes to selecting policy coverage. Always place a priority on safety and check with your insurance provider to properly navigate the ins and outs of trampoline coverage efficiently and effectively. Feel free to contact us at Portsmouth Atlantic Insurance to learn more about how we can help you with your homeowners insurance policy via our team of dedicated insurance professionals. We look forward to hearing from you soon!